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Wrong...So Wrong (2003-08-18 - 11:07 a.m.)

My binge drinking has finally caught up with me, and I think it may just be time to take a small sabbatical from The Sauce. I don�t even know what I�m doing back at work�the weekend just flew by with minimum hours of sleep and copious amounts of alcohol. When blackouts start happening and you find out what kind of things you actually did during those blackouts, you start to reevaluate your present situation.

The drinking started as soon as I got home from work Friday evening. Brunz had a 12 case in the fridge, and we ripped that baby open. It didn�t take us long to finish it, since we�re both seasoned drinkers and can slam those brown bottles back at an astounding rate. On my way to the corner store for beer Mr. Sexy gave me a ring� he wanted to come over to see my new place. Since I hadn�t seen him since the above-mentioned soiree, I happily accepted and invited him over for a tour of the house and a movie. But we all know that that�s not what I had in mind. I�ve wanted to fuck this guy since the day I met him, and oh yes�he would be mine. He turned up around 9:00 and I showed him around my wonderful new abode. Once we got to my room I suggested a movie and a massage�and you know where massages go. The movie only rolled for 20 minutes or so before his close started coming off�and let�s just say his dick size totally matches his Chip-n-Dales body! Well, we fucked and it was kind of disappointing, I wasn�t into at all, it was weird. Then Al shows up at my place wanting to pick up FL and head downtown for some guest list drinking at La Boom. I proceeded to kick Mr. Sexy out and perform a �Dukes of Hazard� style car entry into Al's rental.

Al and I pick up FL and we bolted downtown. On the way there I leapt into the backseat and started fooling around with FL, who then suggested to Al, to feel how firm and sexy my boobs are. Weird.

We get to the club and start drinking no charge. This is where my memory starts to get a tad hazy. I can�t remember much of what went on, but I remember making out with Al while FL watched. Then I remember being back at FL�s place in the shower with Al, while FL stroked it in the doorway. Then my memory jumps to 2 hours later when FL�s in bed with me fucking me. I can�t tell you anything more than that because I can�t remember, I don�t even know if I wanted any of the 3-way action. Now I feel like shit, should FL have protected me and stopped me from getting involved in that shit? If he was sober enough to drive home, should he have been sober enough to stop things from happening? All I know is that I can�t remember what happened. For all I know (although it�s not likely) I could have been kicking and screaming for them to stop. That�s very scary. That was just Friday, Saturday night was also filled with black outs.

A buddy of mine from the South Shore drove up to check out my new crib. Prior to his arrival I had already drank a 6 to myself, and was working on a good glow. He showed up with another 12 case. Let the drinking begin. After a few hours of chilling and catching up on current affairs, he started to get physical, and I wasn�t really in to mood to pull of 3 (4?) guys in 24 hours. I remember trying to kick him out, but I can�t remember him leaving. All I remember is passing out while he�s massaging my ass. What the fuck. Then FL calls at 3:00 in the morning wanted to come over and cuddle. I was totally lost. Where was my friend? Did he leave; did I get pissed off and kick him out? What�s going on? FL showed up with some McDonalds, which was a welcome treat since I hadn�t really eaten anything all day. We then jumped into bed, looking forward to a long night of spooning. As we drifted off towards sleepy town, he shocked me with something he really should have told me the day before. He had remembered that Friday night (Saturday morning) he had cum inside me. This in not good. I�m not on the pill anymore, and Saturday was in my Danger week. This really wasn�t good. I had to work MIAC yesterday. This didn�t give me much time to get to the pharmacy and pick up the �morning after� pill. I bust my ass over to the Pharmaprix, pick up the pill, get back to my house to catch the lift downtown to MIAC, take the pill and get there just in time to start feeling sick. I spent hours on my feet, hung over, half asleep and reeling from the effects of the pill. Great weekend�wouldn�t you agree?

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