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- (2004-07-19 - 9:17 p.m.)

Why is it that everytime you hear a song that really meant something to you when you were younger, you get all depressed? I just heard a tune that I haven't heard for a very long time, and nothing has changed since. As soon as the first few bars came in I was knocked straight back into high school. If only math would have been that easy to remember! Man...Bill Gates would have some serious competetion right now...tehehe! aunt is down from Sarnia and it's really cool to see her again. I swear to god...she must be my real mother...we're just way too much a like not to be immediate family.

Don't you hate it? The minute you start liking someone your ex always has to poke his stupid ass head back into the picture. got it...FL is calling like crazy again, telling me just how much he loves and misses me...what a jackass. Anyways. I want nothing to do with him in that way anymore. I was running after him for over a year, letting him know just how I felt, and how much I wanted to get back together. Now almost 2 years later he's starting to realize that what we had wasn't so bad. Oh well...too bad for you FL, I just replaced you with someone much better. Okay, scratch that...there's no replacing what so's so much better. It's as if FL was a substitute for this...something in the meantime. Man...that really doesn't sound too nice now does it?

GODDAMMIT!!! One of my mother's cats is in heat. I can't wait to try and get to sleep tonight with all that wonderful "prowww....prowww...buurrreeeoooowww!!!"

I'm off to sleep.

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