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- (2004-04-02 - 4:24 p.m.)

A fortune cookie that I opened Wednesday night said that all my hard work would pay off�and I think, in some very vague way, it has. Not that what just happened has anything to do with me actually working, but it�s a reward nonetheless. A friend of mine is going to Florida for vacation�and he wants me to come with him for a week or so. No wait�let me rephrase that. He wants to pay my ticket so I can come spend a week or so with him down in sun-filled FLA. Tehehe�YAY for me!!! I haven�t had a vacation in years�and I think I deserve a little time off if I do say so myself. Not to mention hot sex in the hot sun�I love those yummy beach blonde hotties�I�m oh so very excited.

On another note�I�m broke. It�s so sad. I just got paid yesterday and I�m already going to have to squeeze my pennies. I hate it. I�ve got so many illegal routes that I could be taking, making crazy good money while doing it�but no. I can�t seem to bring myself to take that first step towards being a criminal. Not because I feel morally wrong, but because I know that I�ll get caught. That�s the way it�s always been�I was not meant to succeed as a thug�I was meant to be a chump�working my ass off everyday for a piece of shit paycheck�that�s just all there is to it.

Well, until I marry rich, that is�tehehe.

Friday afternoon�beautifully cleansing Friday afternoon. People are just in better moods when they know that they�ll be free for 2 days�even if those two days are spent doing nothing; at least they�re ours�they belong to us alone. That, and you can drink a whole lot more when you know you don�t have to wake up at 6 in the morning to go to work the next day.

Not that I ever used working as an excuse not to get drunk�tehehe.

Well, I�m off to enjoy to weekend of drinking�later sexygators.

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