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Sweet Cheeks (2004-04-01 - 3:13 p.m.)

I felt the need to clean house on my buddylist. Half of the diaries I had listed there haven�t updated in a while, or have become terribly boring�either way they�ve gotten the 4%. (Thanks Donald�now I can�t say you�re fired anymore�bastard)

I�m quitting smoking again today�I�m so tired of it. I�m tired of feeling complete panic when I know I only have a few cigarettes left in my pack. I�m tired of smelling like ass, as well as feeling like it. I�m tired of forking out $10.00 a day for a habit that is essentially killing me�maybe very slowly right now, but killing me nonetheless. I�m tired of having to go outside like an idiot when it�s minus 40 out�I�m just tired of it all. Too bad it�s so damn good after sex�Bah�what are you going to do?

I haven�t had a smoke since lunch, and I have none left. I refuse to buy another pack. I REFUSE!!!

Master came over last night�his daughter has been in the hospital for a few days�she has pneumonia�poor little lamb. He�s all messed up over it; I have the feeling that he�s a really great father. He�s also extremely good in the sack. I think I�m going to stick with him for a while�he�s straight with me�and I appreciate that more than he knows. MM�s just to complicated�and I never know how he feels about things. With Master there�s no confusion�he makes sure that I know exactly what he wants and how he feels. He rocked my socks for 3 hours last night�it was marvelous. Then he did his kata�s for me�naked� it was beautiful. Seeing a man move the way he does totally turns me on. He�s surprisingly quick for a man of his size�and fuck�does he have a great ass. FL you and your no-ass can eat their hearts out�I�ve found a great lay with a great ass�tehehe!!! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

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