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Whole Lotta Lovin' (2004-03-18 - 11:04 a.m.)

Guess who I hooked up with last night? Oh, you never will�so I�ll just tell you. MM. Shit�I was downtown drinking a St. Pattie�s style brew when he gave me a buzz to say hello. Let me just verify something for all of you who have no idea�beer & men = automatic horniness.

So�since I was close by I jumped in my car and headed over to his place to show off the new shoes that I had just purchased. (I also bought this rocking leather hat that I look quite sexy in, if I do say so myself) No, we didn�t have sex�not because I didn�t want to, but because he couldn�t�oh well. At least I gushed, right? I don�t know what it is about MM, but he�s just got the best hands I�ve ever seen. The sex was always good, but his hands sure know they�re way around my parts.

After I came I jumped back in my car and headed home. Master ended up at my place at around 10:30, which was great�we just chilled out and chatted until 1:00am. Then he gave me this �new wave� style massage�it was great. I woke up this morning and I had no pain�for the first time in a long time I actually had NO PAIN WHAT SO EVER!!! It rocked my socks alright. I also found out a lot of shit about him�deep shit. First and foremost, he almost died of a brain tumor a few years ago�that�s just crazy!!! He was telling me about all the treatments he had to go through and all the fear. I�m starting to understand where he�s coming from now�all the pieces are falling into place. I still don�t have him figured out 100%, but hey, who do you know that you�ve got totally figured out?

YAY, tonight I�m going to get waxed�excellent!!! I love the feeling of a freshly waxed pussy�there� nothing like it�it�s just so slippery soft�tehehe. There goes forty more dollars down the tube.

Anyways, I�m at work and really not in the mood to be. I wish I were at home still recovering from that massage. I�m telling you�it didn�t sink in right away, it was after about 30mins that I realized that I felt like I was floating�crazy stuff.

Less is more.

OH SHIT�I forgot�while MM and I were �together� for those months last year, we managed to put together an impressive collection of toys. Last night I stole the Anal Invader�tehehe. Ahh�just like old times. Well�I guess I should be getting back to work now�you know, since they pay me to be here�tehehe!!!

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