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La Debauche (2004-03-15 - 12:07 a.m.)

Well, I just got back from HC�s place�and if you don�t know or remember who this guy is�the HC stands for huge cock. We watched a really shitty movie then fooled around. I needed some release after my credit card fiasco of this morning. I think I�ve lost total perspective on life�and it�s great. No worries. As long as my bills are paid and I have somewhere to sleep then it�s not that bad.

I�m looking for a dungeon to rent in the Montreal area�does anyone out there know of any good ones? I want to take the BD thing to a higher level�it�s really what seems to get me going.

I don�t know what to write in here any more�it�s all crap�and does it really matter what goes on in my life anyways?

I saw my parents tonight and it made me sad. They�re both so proud of me, but if they really knew what I�ve been up to, would they still be so supportive? I really doubt it�I think my mother would actually have a heart attack. Mommy�s little girl�she�d be crushed. Oh well, you can�t live your life for your parents now can you?

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