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Yawn (2004-02-18 - 8:06 a.m.)

I�m suffering from massive sleep deprivation. Since I signed up to lava I�ve been going out every single evening. Until today I hadn�t really looked back and counted how long it had been�well, it�s been over a month now, and the only time that I didn�t do anything was when I was dying in bed from my crazy fever/ throat infection that I had at the beginning of February. I can�t remember names or faces anymore, I�m forgetting simple things that should be relatively easy to recall. Oh well, what can you do. I�m 23, single, and suddenly popular as all hell. I guess I�ll just have to put up with my fatigue.

Last night would have been the only night this week that I could have gotten a good night sleep�but did I? Obviously not�I was up until 1:00 on the phone with the hotties, trying to map out my week. So far I�m reserved until Sunday�it�s fucking terrible. When the hell am I going to have the chance to do my laundry, the groceries�shower for Christ�s sake!!! ARG!!!!

Tonight I�m getting together with someone that I�m not sure I should. He wants something very different than all the others, and he�s willing to do things that the others aren�t. Misstress know what I�m talking about, but the rest of you wont. Just in case it can get back to my Momma Bear. I hope it�ll work out, since he�s bringing something to the table that I need. You�re all wondering what the hell I�m talking about aren�t you? Tehehe�the suspense.

Anyways�Monday night was spent at HC�s place�and yes, we had wild monkey sex�and yes�he broke me again. It�s crazy�I haven�t bled since I was a virgin�and he makes me bleed�INSANE�he�s just that big. I�m all torn (and no, not literally�figuratively)�I really like him, he�s pretty much interesting in everything that I�m in love with�bikes, cars, speed, sex, etc�. It�s so stupid of me�I end up liking the ones that want nothing to do with a relationship. Silly Vbitch. Oh well, I�m off to work now!!! Later Sexygators.

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