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Dream On (2004-01-16 - 8:14 p.m.)

Introduction...I am drunk...please disregard anything I write this evening.

You know that Aerosmith song from the Armageddon soundtrack? The "I don't wanna close my eyes" one? Well, it's fucking depressing the hell out of me. I have no idea why these people write these kind of songs...I mean really, do they want every 16 year old jumping off a bridge? I'm 23 and at the moment, listening to that song, I'm starting to contemplate the "big leap". All these rightwingers don't know what they're talking about...Metallica's music isn't brainwashing our nation's's the damn Aerosmith's and Our Lady Peace's of the world. All these "..and if I don't make it, know that I loved you all along"'s. Now that's more depressing that anything Ministry's released...EVER!!! Gah...thank god it's over, it was starting to get serious for a moment there. That kind of sappy music immediately makes you do the whole "compare & contrast" deal. Why isn't any not wanting to close their eyes with me? Why doesn't anyone wanna stay awake just to hear me breathing? This world would be a whole lot healthier if everyone just stopped writting this sappy "loved and lost" bullshit. The only thing those kind of songs are good for is when you're trying to get laid. They're to throw on the stereo when there's some hot stranger in you bed that you're trying to seduce...that's it. That's the only time that this kind of music doesn't drepress the hell out of you...

Okay...I feel better now.

What every happened to "Dream on"? Now that's a song, no more of this "Crazy" crap okay? Thanks Steve, we'd all really appriciate it.

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