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Witty Title HEre (2004-01-08 - 4:49 p.m.)

Misstress; please be sure to keep an eye on me at your party on Saturday, because Vbitch is back and on the prowl. Men beware, I�ve sharpened my teeth and I�m coming after you all�MUWAHAHAHA!!!! THE ALMIGHTY SUCCUBUS!!! Sorry about that, I�m feeling a little out of control right now.

Anyways, word to the wise, never keep a �casually� sexual relationship going for more than a few months�and if you do, NEVER let yourself get into a routine with the person. That kicks the whole casual part of the equation right out the front door. Yes, MM and I aren�t getting our monkey freaks on together anymore. Oh well, it was pretty good while it lasted, now back to the $200.00 toy that I bought in September. She�s really mad at me for ignoring her for the past few months. But don�t worry little girl�I picked you up some new batteries and we�re going to get reacquainted tonight! Masturbation is so wonderfully selfish. You just sit there, work your magic, and be a pure egotistical hedonist�it�s great. It�s all about you.

I�ve got to get back into the swing of things. After FL, I never really started meeting new people; I just chilled out with the old ones. How in the hell am I going to get another regular fuck if I�m not meeting new guys? I know�I�m in a little bit of a shallow mood right now�this tends to happen when I end it with someone. This doesn�t mean that I�m going to go out and fuck the first living thing that I see�if that were the case my coworker would be in trouble. Unluckily for him I�m not that bad. I�ll flirt, tease and maybe go a tad too far, but that�s probably about it. Well, unless I met Adonis and he�s into kink.

Gah, I had a terrible morning.

First, my car wouldn�t start because it was MINUS STUPID OUTSIDE!!! Actually, it was worse than minus stupid, it was MINUS 40, Celsius or Fahrenheit�it doesn�t matter�IT�S THE SAME FUCKING THING!!! Anyways, by this time Brunz had already left for work, so I was in a bit of a pickle. I ended up waking my neighbor and got him to try push-start my car�which of course, didn�t work. Then we pushed my car up the hill and into his garage�this was very fun considering my parking is basically a skating rink, so there was a lot of me falling on my face in my work cloths. Then we tried to charge it�didn�t work. Then we went to get the booster cables�they were missing. Then we WALKED to one of his friends house�s to borrow their truck/booster cables. Anyways, after half an hour of booster my stupid bitch car finally started and I was already very late for work.

Second, I get to work and my period starts�and I have no tampons.

Today is just not a good day. I�m going home, pulling out my toy (yes, I use my toy when I�m on my period. And no, I don�t give a shit what any of you think about it.) cumming five or six times, getting in the bath, and then I plan on coercing Brunz into giving me a back rub. Sounds like it could be a very relaxing evening.

Anyways, I�m getting frustrated just typing this shit about.

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