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Good Things (2003-11-16 - 11:49 a.m.)

Things are actually looking up for me�when I got home on Friday there was a message from another job that I had applied for�but these guys are offering a lot more a year�like 23K more than what I�m making now. I�ve gotta give them a call tomorrow to confirm an interview. Fuckin� A!!! On top of the cash factor this company is about thirty seconds away from my place, which means more sleeping and less driving�yay! I have no idea where I�ll go, or who I�ll work for, but I do know that I have to get the fuck out of my present situation, because I�m going insane�completely insane.

I�m thinking of starting up a website to display my photography. I take a pretty good shot and would like to start either selling the ones I already have, or getting hired to do new work. I�ve been thinking about doing this for a while now, and the more I think about it, the better it�s sounding. Photography is one of my many passions, and what�s better than getting paid to do something that you�re passionate about?

Tehehe�I love coming to MM�s place�I always end up commandeering his computer. It�s just one of the many good things that I come here for�but, obviously, the pc is not the first thing on the list. Speaking of the first thing on that list�I�ve gotta go have sex now�tra la la!

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