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Little House on the South Shore (2003-11-06 - 10:45 a.m.)

My sex day was a complete and utter success! Orgasms were was had by all!!! It was actually more of a destress day for me than anything. MM is a great person to just hang out with, and it felt good to forget about work/being poor/life for a while and get mentally "lost" in his apartment.

I'm at my parents place right now...yes I took more time off work, and no it's not for more sex. I actually had to get my car tuned up before the minus stupid weather hits us. I had a few more vacation days left so I'm taking a half day to get shit done...and today it seems to be all about my car. Rustproofing, snow tires, oil changes, etc...My bitch will be purring when I get her back in a few hours. Yum...purring bitch cars. I'm also going to be taking the rest of my "half day" tomorrow. I've got an interview for "Customer Service Department Coordinator/ Executive Assistant" position for a company out in the west island. They're offering a much better salary than what I'm making now, and it rests a little easier on my mind than getting back into the sex scene. My morals/standards have gone up a considerable amount in the past few years and I'd really rather progress than regress. Let's just hope I'm making the right decision. I'll let you guys know tomorrow how the interview went.

It always feels really weird to come back to my folk's place...since everytime I walk through the door there's always some major renovation going on. I don't even recognise the home I grew up in anymore. The only room in the place that hasn't changed is my old room...which is where I slept last night. I came here after my sexcepade so that I wouldn't have to fight traffic to get from the west down to my dealership on the south shore. It actaully felt quite comforting to wake up in my old those familiar "house" noises. Mom yelling at my little brother to wake up or he'll miss the bus, dad yelling at the dogs...ahh...there's no place like home. Actually, it seems like there was always a lot of yelling going on...why do I miss this place again?

Anyways...I'm heading to NB's place of business today to pick up my CRAZY CHEAP snow tires...he got me an insane deal and I'm extremely gratefull for it. Hey, who has $300.00 to drop on four peices of rubber? Not me, $140.00 is a sum which is much easier to waste on tires. Thanks're saving my broke ass!

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