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I Just Don't Dig On Swine (2003-10-03 - 4:14 p.m.)

Wonderful, blissful Friday. The upholder of truth and justice in this corporate world we live in. The beginning of a two-day stretch that we can actually call our own. There�s no better feeling than the one your get the minute you walk out the door on a Friday afternoon�personally, it kind of reminds me of the torture scene in Braveheart�FFFRRREEEDDDOOOMMM!!! I�m going to be able to scream that out at the top of my lungs in a little over an hour�oh yes�it�s Miller time.

Bum (friend and coworker) and I will be heading out to a Tragically Hip tribute concert later this evening. I wouldn�t normally go, but I get all these free tickets for the Medley from work, and me being the cheap skate that I am, must go. Besides�it�s been a while since Bum and I have actually hung out together and it should be cool. We used to chill out all the time, but in the past year things have just kinda stopped. I�d like to try rebuild the great friendship we once had.

I can�t wait for tomorrow night�I�m hooking up with MM for a night of sushi and sake. He really didn�t have a choice in the matter, since he teased me over the phone earlier this week while he happily ate his plate of raw fish. I told him he now must feed me the same�thankfully he agreed. Wee!!! Sushi!!!

I had a bad bout with rancid swine last night�Damn Loblaws and their cheap produce. I was all excited about the brochettes that I bought the other night. I had it all planned out�BBQ brochettes, brown rice and some veggies on the side. The overall appearance of the meal was exactly what I thought it would be, but the aftereffect of the meat was not what I expected. Let�s just say that I wasn�t feeling too good about an hour after I ate. Along with Tim Hortins and Brault & Martineau, I am now boycotting Loblaws. That�s right Loblaws�that�s what you get for trying to poison Vbitch!!! FEEL MY WRATH!!!

Good weekend tidings for all.

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