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Bored and Bitchy (2003-10-06 - 5:16 p.m.)

I had a pretty drunken weekend going for me, so I guess you could say that it was a success. Friday: drunk, Saturday: drunk, today: hung over. I some how even managed to sleep right through my alarm this morning and made it into work 45 minutes late. However, I was quite refreshed when I woke up, so there was a little good in the bad.

By the end of this month I will either have gotten a raise or found a new job. I�m really not looking forward to the defining moment when I find out if I get the raise I have been expecting since March or not. If the later happens, I will be looking for a new employer. Fuck, the only thing worse than having a job is looking for one. I�m really not in the mood to start out my winter unemployed. Oh well, I�m not going to stay at this job if They�re not going to appreciate me financially. I�m not getting paid for the job I�m doing and I think that I deserve more�if They�re not willing to sacrifice, then They can go fuck Tom Green. I don�t know where that came from. Less then an hour to go and the worst day of the week will be over and done with. Thank God.

Brunz is starting to worry me�he�s totally obsessed with this girl, Nikita, and I can see, plane as day, that she�s using him. You know how I know? Because I was the same as her 4 years ago. Stringing guys along just to see if she can. Well, this will not stand! I refuse to see my wonderful roommate being used and abused�well, unless it�s in a sexual fashion, but that�s a whole different story. All he talks about is how fantastic Nikita is, but I can see right through her phony act. You see, Brunz has money, has a nice truck, has a nice bike and likes to show a girl just how much he likes her by showering her with gifts. This is all this bitch is after, and he can�t see it. I told him to get some feedback from her and find out how she feels. He laid his heart down for her and all she could say was��You�re making me decide if I like you or not? You�re giving me an ultimatum?� Pardon me, but I don�t think someone asking you how you feel is an ultimatum, you do? I�ve decided�she�s a gold digger and therefore must be tossed out the door onto her goldbrickin� ass. Have a nice trip bitch!

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