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Crap and Cute Animals (2003-09-30 - 11:24 a.m.)

I dyed my hair purple this weekend�I needed a change. I�ve been trying to grow my platinum blond out for over 2 years now, and it was getting old very quickly. I didn�t feel attractive anymore, especially after this whole FL fuck-over situation, and I had to change that. There�s nothing worse than having your self esteem demolished while loosing your best friend. Dying my hair helped give me a confidence boost.

When I think back, I remember always having so much self confidence�I knew who I was and I was comfortable with it. Things aren�t the same anymore, and I wish I could fix that.

On a lighter note; Brunz and I are getting a puppy. We went to go see the breeder last night, and we�re both fucking excited. We�re going to have a little baby Doberman!!! I missed having a big dog�I had to leave my baby (my 150lbs Rott) at my folks place, and I�ve been pining for the kind of unconditional love that a dog can give you. Guess what we�re going to name him�you�d never know that I had something to do with coming up with this name�JESSE!!! Yeah!!! My little baby Jesse, and yes, it�s after my wonderful Jesse James. No�I�m not obsessed, really I�m not. I�ll post a pic of our new pup as soon as I can get one.

More later�must work now�imagine that!

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