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Will Power and Shlongs (2003-09-23 - 3:51 p.m.)


I have no will power what so ever. What happened you ask? Well, Luke showed up unexpectedly last night and I ended up sleeping with him. Yahweh is paying me back for all of my depraved debauchery. He must be; because if he�s not then he�s playing one hell of a sick joke. What could be so terrible? Well, the second most terrible thing that could happen to me in a liaison�the dreaded small dick! AAHHH!!!

(Enter Psycho movie theme music here)

Why God�TELL ME WHY!!!!

I�m not saying that it wasn�t good, but hey, it wasn�t great. I need great. I need large penis. This is not funny, I am not impressed. The thing is smaller than my toy for Christ sake! This is not acceptable. This just gives me even more reason not to see this guy anymore. I don�t know if I can live with an undersized member. Thanks a lot big guy�the first nice guy that comes along in 6 months and you�ve got to give him a pencil dick�FUCKING MARVELLOUS!

No�I�m not that shallow�okay, yes I am. I admit it. I have a dick standard, and below that standard I�DO...NOT�GO. Now I�m being asked to sacrifice my acceptable size rules, and go for the mini shlong.

What to do, what to do. I was getting crazy monkey love, and now I�m getting amateur hour at Club Sex.


This is too much for me to talk about right now�more later.

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