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Ode to LJ (2003-05-14 - )

I grew up on the South Shore, and went to the worst possible high school out there. It was filled with drugs, violence and lots of politics, due to half of us being english and the other half french during those crazy referrendum times. This was the setting in which I spent 5 long years. Now, I'm sure we've all done things back in high school that we would like to forget. Well, you can trust me, you take a back seat to my teen years. I'm just going to give you a little overview of my years at that school.

I spent the 1st year there teaching all the other 12-13 year olds how to smoke cigarettes and weed. The next year was much heavier shit which I started dealing around, and I got busted a few times for it too. (Don't worry, I didn't rat anyone out)I hit rock bottom before I even turned 16. Hard core on coke and having to see a drug cousulor 5 times a week and getting blood and urine tests along with it.(It was either that or go to Shawbridge)

Now that's just the drug part, not to mension all those wonderful things you do when you're all fucked up on blow.

I've been trying to forget all of these really shitting things that I've done over the past years, including hitting my 7 years clean without chemical drugs.

Now...enter LJ. She seems to really enjoy rehashing all of these things that I've done, but not in the way that you think. She speaks about it as if we were so cool, yeah, and maybe we where back then, but hey, we're not in high school anymore!!! She brings these things up in company that I really don't feel like sharing my dark secrets with. On top of that she actually makes up things...for example. I have never done any drug with her in my life...that I can rememeber anyway...and she'll tell people that I barely even know that we used to do blotter and acid together.

Man, I wasn't even her friend in high school!!!

Which leads me to the question, when will some people just grow up?

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