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The Edge. (2003-05-16 - )

I've lost my edge...I'm so upset. I'm not talking about my sharp wit or my searing tongue, I'm talking about my ability to control whatever man I like with my looks. I know, I'm vain, so kill me. This all began at Aporectic's apartment about a month ago.

We were roommates for about 4 months, (for more on that see Aporetic's account )and during that time many photos were taken. Well, last month I was at Aporetic`s place looking through old pictures and...BHAM..I see one of me. But not the me that I know now, but the old me. The hotter, younger and sexier me. Am I so insecure that 1 picture can jar my self confidence this badly? Seeing that picture made me think about how things have changed. For example when I used to go out all eyes were on me. Now, it feels like I have to stand in the middle of the room screaming to get attention. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!!! For some reason I always have to feel like every man I meet wants to fuck this shit out of me to feel good in my own skin.

Maybe it's because I don't dress like a slut anymore, but hey, I still need to feel sexy, we all do. But lately I'm not feelin' that control that I used to have. My edge is gone, it's all over, I might as well get married and have 7 kids.

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