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It Can Only Get Better From Here (2003-11-11 - 11:47 a.m.)

This is just the way the yesterday went�

Shitty�wait let me rephrase that�extremely ass sucking, moose cock gobbling day at work.

Very low self esteem day.

And the best part of the day�FL showing up at my house last night with the bitch that he cheated on me with. You can imagine that this was the highlight of the evening. It went down like this�I get home from work, thanking jesus that the day is finally over and I can relax. Brunz walks in and starts bitching about Nikita and all of the new whorish things she has done to him during work hours. Blah, blah, blah�he takes off for a beer with some friends. About 20 minutes later he calls to let me know that FL forgot his cell at a party and Brunz had it in his room, and that FL would be dropping by to pick it up. This is not the evening that I envisioned. I couldn�t believe that Brunz would put me in a situation like that, I was forced into seeing FL again at a time when I really didn�t want to. When Brunz told me this, my heart rate jumped up and I didn�t really know what to do. I even considered turning off all of the lights and hiding. I wanted to kick my self in the face for that feeling way deep down inside, right before he showed up, that I was excited to see him again. But the moment I saw his bitch in the car that feeling disappeared. When I looked at him I felt nothing but disgust and borderline hatred. As we say in Montreal�pas d�classe. How could he bring her to my house? ARG, what an ass. When I closed the door in his face, I closed off any hope of him ever having me in his life again. I can�t be friends with a person like that, I can�t even consider being an enemy�it�s just not worth it anymore. Once I get my stuff back, which he conveniently forgot to bring, I can finally get him out of my mind. If I ever think back, I�ll try to remember the good times and chalk it all up to a learning experience. Yeah�learning experience�never put that much trust into one person again in my life�that�s what I learned. The people that you let in are the ones that can devastate your life the most. I was once asked �Would you rather go through your whole life without knowing true love, or to have loved and lost.� Well folks, I think, at this point, that I�d rather just have good friends and fuck the love business�because in the end you always get the shaft. Whether it�s someone dumping you, a marriage breaking up or death, you always end up alone�what a depressing thought.

Okay�venting over.

I just got a call from the woman at the placement agency, and I�ve got an interview tomorrow with the president of the company�and they seem extremely excited to meet me. Wonderful, wonderful wonderful. Let�s just hope it goes well.

I want to thank Misstress, Fabio, Procrasto, Jes and DjLit for signing my guestbook�it really helped me out when I checked my gb this morning all there were all these words of support�it did not go unnoticed.

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