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Beer & New Beginings (2003-09-17 - 5:23 p.m.)

Time to write about my new special someone, because I�m sure all 2 of you are dying to know about him. I�m sure you�re both inching closer to your screens, anticipating the wisdom that will soon be forthcoming. Yeah, sure�

Anyways, Friday night MM came over and we had another LoTR/beer party�which ended in slight debauchery. (We wont get into the sordid details today.) So naturally, Saturday was set aside for recovery and re-hydration. I lounged around all day feeling like ass, and drinking as much liquids as possible. Around 9:00 Teddy gave me a call and asked if I wanted to join him for a birthday party and some drinks at a local watering hole. Being the wonderful drunk that I am, I graciously accepted. There was brew to be consumed; I had no choice but to do my part. The first few hours were pretty cool; since I spent them drinking and watching the De La Hoya fight. After Oscar got robbed of his title (THE BASTARDS!!!!) I went back to the table to start up some good conversation with Teddy. At the other end of our table there was a really good-looking guy that hadn�t said a word the entire evening. Me, being the loudmouth, center-of-attention chick of the gang I yelled over to him��Hey, what the fuck�you don�t say hello?� Then he tells me to come sit next to him and he will�say hello that is. I got up and walk over. The rest of the night I was glued to him. Teddy was not impressed.

We all drunkenly closed the bar. Vodka shots and Molson Ex were the tricks of my trade that evening. Luke (the good-looking stud that I was glued to all night) asked if I wanted to go to his place with a few friends to keep drinking�What? Excuse me? More beer? YES PLEASE!

Four of us rambled across the way to his apartment where we proceeded to drink lots and lots of superb suds, while we quietly shot the shit. 20 minutes later there�s a knock at the door and 6�I repeat SIX�cops barge in. They told both us women to get into another room�at this point I was a little freaked out by all of the action going on in this small 4 �. Once alone in a separate room 3 female officers then tried to coerce us into telling them that we were being beaten up. I laughed. They were not impressed. As it turns out, somewhere in the building some woman was getting whipped, and they thought it was us, no, they were sure it was us. They wouldn�t let off, they were all like � Don�t worry, you don�t have to be scared, you can tell us, blah, blah, blah.� All I can tell you is that no man will ever touch me in that way. You hit me= You die. Simple math.

After that fiasco, I decided that it was time to retire to more serene surroundings. I asked if he wanted to come back to my place, and of course he said yes. Guess what? I didn�t sleep with him! Can you believe it! We just snuggled and kissed and did all that romantic shit that makes you want to vomit. I woke up the next morning and he was lying there next to me, just looking into my eyes and playing with my hair. AAWWWEEE, HOW CUTE!!!

Anyways, we spent to whole day together and it was great. He took me out for sushi, which was great because I was expecting to pay for it. Then Monday night he shows up at my place to take me out to a movie. He had gotten me a little bumblebee teddy bear and some cookie dough ice cream. God, I think I like being treated like gold. And guess what else? HE�S A BAS ASS!!!

He�s supposed to come over tonight and MAKE ME SUPPER!!!

Maybe I�ve found a good guy, maybe not, but I�m gonna ride this one out until it�s over.


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